Saturday, April 14, 2018


Next week we will host a Women’s Conference at our church with the theme, “Surrender.” I have been prayerfully focusing on what this truly means in my own life. The first thing that comes to my mind is that surrender must be done willingly. Some of the definitions for surrender are as follows:  to relinquish, to give in, give (oneself) up, yield, submit, to abandon oneself entirely to.  The last definition is the one that caught my attention. I believe that God is calling for TOTAL surrender and not just the parts that are easy for us to give up.  Jesus is our greatest example of surrender.  Let’s take a look at the prayer he prayed in Luke 22:41-42: And he was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw, and he knelt down and prayed, saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not my will, but Yours, be done.”  Despite the agony he was experiencing, he was willing to surrender to the will of his Father undeterred by the discomfort of the flesh. There are things that God is calling for many of us to do that will not be comfortable for us. That is when we have to decide if we trust God enough to fully surrender to his plan for our life. Trust is key because it is not easy to surrender to someone you do not trust. We have to reach a place where we know without hesitation that God loves us and that he always has our best interest at heart.  When that happens, trust comes easily. I believe that God is going to show us places in our lives that are not fully surrendered or submitted to him.  In James 4:7, it says, “Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Maybe you have been doing the second part of this verse and wondering why the devil is not fleeing.  Don’t skip past the first part! Many times, surrender is viewed in a negative context as if you are losing or giving up.  Surrender is about giving up to a purpose higher than your own so that his perfect will can be done. When we truly surrender to God, we put our own desires, plans, ideas, opinions, etc., aside and allow God to replace these things with what He wants to be there instead.

One of the things that makes it hard for me to surrender at times is when I don’t know all the details!  However, I am learning to say, “Lord, I don’t know what you’re doing, and I don’t understand what’s happening or why, but I trust you.”  When the angel appeared to Mary to announce God’s plan for her to carry the Savior, she questioned how the plan would happen. Though the angel explained that the Holy Spirit would overshadow her, that was all the explanation she received.  I love Mary’s response in Luke 1:38, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.”  That is what surrender is all about. It is determining that whatever God is saying is what we want. I recall a time a few years ago when I felt that there were some things God wanted to do in my life, yet I had no idea what they were/are.  However, there was a yearning in my heart for whatever God wants for me, so I said, “God, I’m giving you an unconditional yes.”  That was scary because I did not know what that meant then, (and still don’t fully know everything that will entail), but I know I can trust him.  What I was telling God was I trust him enough to say yes even before I know what he will ask. Occasionally, something will come up and I have to decide if it’s something I should do, and I will hear the gentle reminder in my spirit, “This is one of those things you said yes to!” 

Surrender is a choice and not something that is imposed on us. It has to be a heart thing and not just an act.  Isaiah 1:19 talks about being willing and obedient. I’m sure we can all recall times when we have been obedient to do something when we really didn’t want to do it. When we surrender, it is about changing our “want to” because we can go through the motions of obedience and not be fully surrendered. True surrender is about releasing control and letting God be fully in charge.

Before I end, I want to point out that surrender is not a one-time thing.  There are times when there are major things that God may be requiring us to surrender, and other times when surrender can happen in the seemingly small things or simply in our daily routine. There is always purpose in surrender, so be sensitive to what he is leading you to do, large or small.

Take some time to quiet your spirit to hear what God is speaking to you personally. Is there something he needs you to let go? Is there something he wants you to do?  Remember, surrendering to God is not about what you lose, it’s what you gain by allowing him to do in and through you what he wills.  Trust him with the details and watch what is birthed through your willingness to totally surrender. 

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