Sunday, September 14, 2014


I have been noticing the Kermit memes that have been making the rounds on social media. The Kermit meme features shots of Kermit the Frog typically sipping tea and calling out individuals in a passive-aggressive manner. I actually didn't even know what a meme was so I had to look it up! It's a sarcastic expression used as a post script to an insult or disrespectful remark. They usually poke fun at a range of questionable behaviors. As I was reading a few of these, it hit me that the devil uses this tactic so often. He likes to taunt us where the promises of God are concerned to cause us to doubt whether the Word will work or get us to figure out how it will come to pass specifically. It goes something like this:

God says He will supply all of your needs...the devils asks, “How are your bills going to be paid?”

God says you are healed by His stripes...the devil asks, “How is your healing going to manifest?”

God says He has given you peace...the devil asks, “How are you going to figure this out?”

When the devil comes to question how God is going to bring the Word of God to pass in our life, we have to be like Kermit and say, “That's none of my business!” But this is not just some sarcastic statement for us. It really is none of our business. Our part is to pray. The answer is God's part. Philippians 4:6-7 states, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Once we cast our cares or concerns over to the Lord (1 Peter 5:7), there is no striving on our part to make things happen. Our duty is to leave the method of how the prayer will be answered up to Him. Hebrews 4:9-10 states, “There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself ceased from his own works as God did from His.” The key point in this verse is that we have to cease from our own works, plans, etc., and trust God to honor his Word in our life. So when the enemy comes to get you stressed over how God is going to do something that you have prayed about, pick up your tea (or coffee) cup, sit back, relax and tell him, “God's got that's none of my business!”