Sunday, August 27, 2017

Embracing 50!

This time 50 years ago, my mom was nearing the end of 48 hours of labor.  Her water broke on a Friday, and I was not born until Sunday!  When I reminded her today of my grand entrance, she said, “It was pain, but once it was over, it was a blessing!  Love my mom.  As I reflect on turning the big 5-0 tomorrow, I thought of how blessed my life has been. Of course, having lived half a century, I have had my share of bad days and disappointments.  However, I choose to focus on the good because it far outweighs the bad.

The number 50 symbolizes deliverance or freedom from a burden.  God commanded Israel that every 50th year should be declared a year of Jubilee.  During the Jubilee year, all debts were settled in favor of the debtor, and inheritances were returned to their rightful owners.  With that in mind, I am proclaiming my Jubilee year and believing God that the latter half of my life will be even better than the first.

It may seem a bit strange for me to share my age. I will admit that the welcome packet from AARP was quite annoying! Many women choose to reach an age and hold steady every year after that.  You might hear, “I’m 39 and holding” or something similar!  I just made the decision to embrace where God has blessed me to be.  Many don’t live to see it. I am counting the many blessings in my life including a wonderful husband and family and so much more.  This blog would be too long to read if I start naming it all. I’m most thankful for that moment nearly 30 years ago when I made the best decision of all to surrender my life to the Lord.

So, as I prepare to celebrate turning 50, I do so with a thankful heart for all that God has done for me.  I also do so with great expectation for what God has in store.

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