Saturday, April 15, 2017


As I sit here on the day between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, I think about what must have been going through the mind of Jesus’ executioners. They no doubt thought they had accomplished their goal to kill him. When the stone was placed over the tomb, they knew his fate was finally sealed. But that was not how the story would end! When the ground began to shake and the stone was rolled away, it was clear that Jesus was not where they left him. 

 It dawned on me that this is how things sometime appear in our life.  It looks like the enemy has got the best of us, and God’s plan will not come forth. However, we have to remember what God said and trust him that no matter what happens that looks contrary to God’s destiny for our life, the story does not end there. Never forget in the dark times what God told you when the sun was shining. When things seem to be at a stand-still and all around is quiet, remind yourself of that period between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday when defeat seemed obvious and hope appeared to be lost. God’s plan was still in motion even though there was no evidence that anything was happening. Even when you can’t see or hear what God is doing, let him finish your story.  He always wins.  Sunday is coming!

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Monday, April 10, 2017


When you have a manufacturer’s warranty, the condition usually applies that if you try to fix a problem yourself instead of sending it to the manufacturer, it voids the warranty.  For example, I have a diamond bond on my wedding ring that requires me to take it back in April and October to the jewelry store where it was originally purchased so that it can be inspected.  If I fail to do that or take it to another jewelry store to have a repair or other service done, it voids the warranty for the ring, and they will no longer cover the diamond.

As Christians, our manufacturer (God) has put His “warranty” in the Word of God. Don’t void the warranty by taking matters into your own hands.  Give every problem and concern to Him immediately and let Him fix it. If we choose to do things in our own strength, God will allow it, but He desires that we come to Him and trust Him to move on our behalf. Don’t take actions on your own and then say, “I’ve tried everything else, so all I can do is trust God now.” Save yourself the stress, worry, etc., and look to Him first, not after working your plan and coming up empty. We must remind ourselves that no matter how much we think we know as it relates to our problems, God always knows best!

What makes our “warranty” even better than a manufacturer is that there is no expiration date. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever! (Isaiah 40:8)


I heard these words in my spirit this morning, "Be user-friendly." When something is user-friendly, it is easy to use and understand. God wants us to be people who are easy for HIM to use without bad attitudes, wrong motives, stubbornness, rebellion, etc.  We have to be pliable in his hands. He is the potter; we are the clay. Even as it relates to working with and for others, we have to keep in mind who we are working for. Colossians 3:23-24 states, “Whatever you do [whatever your task may be], work from the soul [that is, put in your very best effort], as [something done] for the Lord and not for men, knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord [not from men] that you will receive the inheritance which is your [greatest] reward. It is the Lord Christ whom you [actually] serve.” (AMP)

Allow the potter to have his way in your life. Be user-friendly!